Ontario Legislature Contact

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you may be aware the Ontario Government has introduced Ominus Bill 70. Section 17 of this bill deals with the Ontario College of Trades and we believe these changes will negatively affect the Compulsory Trades in Ontario, including sprinkler fitters.

We believe this bill will weaken the enforcement aspects of the College by proposing to only enforce the scope of practice of a trade when it may cause “risk of harm”. As well we are opposed to the provisions in the bill that will have appeals heard by the Ontario Labour Relations Board instead of in court and the provisions that will allow the O.L.R.B. to look at “other matters” in addition to the “scope of practice”.

Please find attached a list of all Members of Provincial Parliament and their contact information. This bill is being rammed through as fast as possible this week.

Please contact your local M.P.P. and tell them to withdraw Section 17 of Bill 70 immediately and to stop the attack of skilled trades.

Your Business Manager
Greg Mitchell
U.A. Local 853

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